Our Policy Book will be adapted regularly to meet the needs of this congregation. See the PDF of the most recent consolidation of the Policy Book, plus updates shown below. 

The Board of Goverance also has a standing Policy Committee charged with the responsibility to review existing policy, develop new policy, and make associated recommendations to the Board or Congregation as applicable. Policies are enacted by the Board of Governance, but must be ratified at a congregational meeting each year. If not ratified at a congregational meeting the new policy is not made part of the policy book.

LVUC Policy Manual As of June 2023

Click on image to view the policy manual.

The following changes to the Policy Manual have been adopted by the Board of Governance, to be ratified at the next AGM.

Click on the image to view the changes to the policy manual. There is an additional Contingency Fund Policy and some amended policies that will be distributed at the AGM.