
James 1: 17-27
The Spaces Between Us

The Spaces Between Us An Interfaith Exploration  

There is so much polarization in our world today and no less so in what sometimes seems to be the deep divide between religious traditions. Let us begin with this assertion; we can scour the scriptures but will not find one instance where Jesus commissioned the  church to prove other religions wrong! Rather, loving God and loving neighbour means learning how God reaches into her creation to be in relationship with all her people.                                 

June 30    Christianity is interesting when practised        James 1: 19-27         

July 7        An Indigenous Way - Jesus and Manitou         Job 12: 7-10          

July 14      A Parallel Way - Jesus and the Buddha            John 14: 6-21          

July 21       A Way of Practice - Jesus and Mohammad     1 John 4: 1-8