Mini Mountaintop Retreat
Saturday, February 17, 9:30am-3:30pm
The bible serves up a myriad of mountaintop experiences, those ultimate “connection to God” moments that are meant to illustrate Wisdom’s desire to be in relationship with people… but some days, its hard to see the mountain for the mist, or it feels more like a valley than a peak. The truth is that wherever you are can be an apex of discovery, even from the depths of despair.
If your interest in piqued in striving for a peak experience, continue to peek at this message…
You are invited to embark on a personal journey of self discovery and connection to your best self. This day-long workshop is offered to prepare your heart, soul and mindset for the season of Lent, or for those triggered by this religious language, a re-set day designed for you to consider and re-connect with your core values.
Prepared in partnership with Highlands and Mount Seymour United Churches, the event combines group and individual activities to engage, inspire and challenge your spiritual muscles. You will be able to choose from a number of seminar sessions featuring topics such as Soul Collage, collect and repositioning writing and nature prayers (specific details of what will be offered will be added when determined) as well as participating in silent exploration of individual activities, walking the labyrinth and prayer.
The cost is $25- $40 (sliding scale), with snacks and lunch included. There is also ample free parking available in the parkade below the church.
Click the link to register, and if you have any questions, please be in touch with Eric Hamlyn, Minister of Faith and Families, or the church office.