After Sunday Worship, January 19th from 12 - 2:00 pm
The Community Engagement Circle meets to report work being done in various areas of our faith community and helps us collect information to return and share within our own, circle of influence. The meetings allow teams, groups, committees, and individuals to discuss issues affecting the Lynn Valley United Community of Faith. To celebrate milestones, brainstorm challenges. and inform one another of plans... as well as providing, time to knit us together into community, and build spiritual friendships!
Each group, team, or committee is asked to send at least one representative,(you don't need to be the "team leader" to attend!) and all involved in the life and work of the congregation are welcome to attend to participate in this Circle gathering.
If you have any updates on what is happening on your team, please email to have these posted as 'notes' so that others can be kept informed of what your team/group is up to.