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For those that could not view or attend Moose Hide Campaign Day on May 11 , you can now watch the livestreams of the plenaries and our virtual workshops on the themes of anti-violence and healthy gender roles, traditional cultural and wellness practices, as well as ceremony and reconciliation.

Please continue to take a stand against violence toward Indigenous women, girls, and LGBTQIA+2S people. 

By wearing a moose hide pin and participating in the Moose Hide Campaign, millions of Canadians are making meaningful progress towards reconciliation and the creation of a country where violence against women and children is no longer allowed to flourish in the shadows.

Things we can do to continue to support this movement:

  • Wear and share the Moose Hide Pin. Some of these pins are still available at church should you want one. Thanks to those who have continued to wear their Moose Hide Pin.
  • Watch the Moose Hide Campaign Day livestreams of the plenaries and the virtual workshops on the themes of anti-violence and healthy gender roles, traditional cultural and wellness practices, as well as ceremony and reconciliation.
  • Post pictures of you and your Moose Hide pin on social media. Please use the hashtags #MooseHideCampaign, #MooseHideCampaignDay, #UCCan, and #MMIWG2S.
  • Remember that the message of the Moose Hide Campaign goes on. Look for other opportunities throughout the year to let Indigenous peoples and all levels of government know that Indigenous women, girls, and 2S people are valued and that we demand a drastic shift in how these cases are handled.

Should you be interested in donating to or sponsoring the Moose Hide Campaign click on the following link: DONATE

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