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Since the beginning of 2024, the Transition Team has held three Congregational Conversations aimed at improving our ability to communicate effectively with one another. This month, the Board, Ministry & Personnel Committee, and the Transition Team participated in a workshop led by our Regional Ministers on Decision Making. These events were all designed to follow the results derived from the Listening Sessions held last Spring and were aimed at improving areas of concern that were identified.

As Reverend Karen Millard, LVUC's Transition Coordinating Minister, is currently on vacation, the next congregational event has been deferred until May. This event will be a significant point in our transitional ministry as we start to discern what kind of community of faith we wish to be. Although the exact program is still under development, we expect to be discussing our personal and collective visions for the future of Lynn Valley United Church and developing our overall mission and core values.

This meeting will take place on Saturday, May 25, beginning at 10:00am and concluding around 3:30pm. Refreshments throughout the day, including lunch, will be provided. If you care about the future of our congregation and wish to provide input into the direction we should take in the next few years, please plan to join us for this important meeting.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with one of the LVUC Transition Team members: Roger Eastwood, Neil Jorgensen, Mary Yan, or Reverend Karen Millard.

Please note: We very much appreciate your attendance and participation to date and we hope to see you at the meeting on May 25. Since we are ordering refreshments ahead of time, it is important that we have an estimate on the numbers of expected attendees. For this reason, we ask that you register ahead of the meeting.

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