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Stewardship is an ethic that embodies the responsible planning and management of resources.  Stewardship is an integral part of living our faith and as a part of Lent this year we had an emphasis on stewardship.  For the first time this year we counted our blessings with a Lenten Count Your Blessings Calendar. We shared the funds contributed with the United Church of Canada emergency appeal for Ukraine. During this time, we heard and were challenged by messages dealing with four areas of stewardship: time, talent, treasure and terrain. We also heard wonderful Why I Give stories from individuals in our congregation which blessed and enriched us. We ended up our stewardship campaign with Commitment Sunday on April 24 with guest speaker the Reverend Gary Paterson, where many made commitments for the coming year.

Thank you so much to all of you who partner in the ministry and mission of Lynn Valley United Church in this way. We are also very grateful for your generous support of the Mission and Service of the United Church of Canada. The following provides a short summary of the results of the Lynn Valley United Church 2022 stewardship campaign:

1. Added 10 new Mission and Service donors
2. Mission and Service donations doubled
3. Local giving is up almost 5%
4. Total (local plus Mission and Service) giving is up about 9%

Thanks so much for your generosity as we continue to meet the mission of Lynn Valley Church to engage people to be followers of Christ, to make a difference in God’s world.

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