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Oh what are we considering now????!!!!!

This is an invitation to contribute to the making of a Banner for Black History Month.  I have spoken with Franklyn about his vision for this project and why it is important to him that we take the time to recognize the Black Diaspora.

My plan for the Banner requires numerous quilt blocks and lots of buttons. If you like to quilt, would you consider making a block or two for the background of this Banner? Do you have a button stash? Could you share some?  I don’t want to say too much about the project because it might morph as I create it but I would love for anyone interested to have an opportunity to be a part of our first official Black History Month celebration. You can drop off your contributions to Moana at the office.

There will be additional opportunities to contribute to projects honouring this month if you don’t quilt or hoard buttons! Keep checking in with the eNews.

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