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Be a Part of History in the Making

Do you remember when JFK was shot? Do you remember when the first human walked on the Moon? Do you remember when the United Church of Canada apologized to the First Nations people and acknowledged their responsibility for the atrocities that happened in the Indian Residential Schools? Do you remember when Presbytery approved our plan to redevelop this land and build a new church?   Moments in time where we are struck by what a critical time in history that was. Where we look back and understand, maybe for the first time, what an inflection point that was for our world or our community. Blair used to call it Kairos Time.

This Sunday during our AGM, this congregation will vote on whether to become an officially recognized member of the Affirming Ministries of the United Church of Canada.  We have completed surveys where the positive response was overwhelming. The Board has made this a priority in their Visioning for this congregation. Many of you have already contributed to the purchase of a Rainbow Bench to make a public statement about our beliefs.

But first, you have to vote.

It is not enough to expect that everyone else is going to support the motion. We want you to be a part of this movement and vision. We want each and every one of you to know that you stood up and said Yes. We want you to be able to tell your friends, your children, your grandchildren, the LGBTQIA2S+ friends that you have yet to meet, that you helped make this possible.  We want you to be able to participate with Pride because this is something you personally did to change history, save lives, to make the world a better place, make God’s Kindom come here and now!

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